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​What is hypnosis?

  • Hypnosis is an naturally occurring state of altered awareness whereby the subconscious mind of a willing subject is open to accepting beneficial suggestions that have been given to it.


How does hypnosis work?

  • Hypnosis accesses the subconscious mind through a deep state of facilitated relaxation.  It is likened to guided day dreaming.  It works by bypassing the critical, conscious mind and speaking directly to the subconscious using direct suggestions, metaphors and visualization.


Why does hypnosis work?

  • Since the critical, conscious mind is bypassed, beneficial suggestions will be accepted by the subconscious mind without interference.  These suggestions become the new reality for the subconscious.  What the subconscious mind believes to be a fact becomes true for that person.  


Can anyone be hypnotized?

  • In general anyone can be hypnotized.  The only exceptions are infants and children under the age of 5, psychotics, the paranoid, and the developmentally challenged (IQ less than 70). 


Can a person be compelled to do something that they do not want to do?

  • A person cannot be hypnotized or compelled into doing something that they do not want to do or that is against their moral compass.  Also, a person cannot be compelled to reveal secrets that they do not want to reveal or engage in any activity that makes them uncomfortable.


Are there any side effects from hypnosis?

  • No.  Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state.  the average person enters hypnosis 4-7 times per day.  If you've ever driven past your exit on the interstate without realizing it or been so engrossed in a book that you didn't hear a question asked of you then you've entered hypnosis before.


Is there anything dangerous about hypnosis?

  • No.  As mentioned above, hypnosis is a naturally occurring state.  The only area that presents possible risk relates to pain elimination/control.  With hypnosis it is possible to decrease or completely eliminate pain.  We assist our clients with pain management only after they have provided us with a note from their physician.  We do this so as not to mask a serious medical condition.


What conditions can hypnosis and hypnotherapy address?

  • Hypnosis can address a wide variety of clinical and medical conditions.  It can also be used to overcome limiting beliefs and increase sports, sales and academic performance.  Stress, anxiety, fears, phobias, weight loss, PTSD depression, smoking cessation and the elimination of bad habits can all be successfully overcome with hypnosis. Please see the abbreviated list of conditions we address on our home page or contact us directly if you have any specific questions.


How effective is hypnotherapy?

  • Hypnotherapy is highly effective.  In fact, it is the only way to make permanent behavioral change.  Our behaviors and habits exist as a result of the cognitive maps located in our subconscious mind.  Conventional talk therapy attempts to affect change using the conscious mind.  This cannot be done because this is not where the habits and behaviors reside.  The only way to make permanent behavioral change is to change these behaviors and habits in the subconscious.  This can only be done using hypnosis as hypnosis is the only way to deliberately access the subconscious mind.  Simply put, hypnosis is the bridge to the subconscious mind.


Why haven't I heard more about hypnotherapy?

  • Dr. Sigmund Freud.   Dr. Freud was a horrible hypnotist and discounted its use as a clinical tool early on in his career.  In recent years hypnotherapy has started to gain in popularity due to its ability to treat a wide variety of clinical and medical conditions.  Hypnotherapy will continue to replace conventional talk therapy in the future.


Should I stop taking medication before or after I've been to hypnotherapy?

  • Although hypnosis can address a wide variety of medical conditions it works in conjunction with medical treatment. It is not intended to replace it.  While many of our clients become asymptomatic to a variety of conditions the decision as to discontinue medical treatment or medication MUST be made by a licensed physician.


What should I wear to a session?

  • Dress appropriately.  Please arrive in professional attire.  No shorts, t shirts, open toed shoes, etc.  The therapeutic process should be taken seriously… proper dress facilitates this.


What can I expect during a typical hypnotherapy session?

  • The session is roughly broken into three segments.  The first part is a review of how things progressed during the last week, the second part is dedicated to education or developing a plan for the upcoming week and the last part is the actually hypnotic session.  The hypnosis portion of the session is recorded and a CD is provided to the client.  This CD should be listened to twice per day everyday.  At the next session another recording will be made and will replace it predecessor.


Will I be able to drive after a session?

  • If you were physically able to drive to the session then you will be able to drive after the session.  Hypnosis is highly relaxing and refreshing.  Many of our clients leave our office feeling as if they've had a long midday nap.


What does hypnosis feel like?

  • Very relaxing  Essentially it is facilitated daydreaming.  It can be likened to being completely relaxed and so comfortable that you decide that you would rather not make the effort to move.  During the hypnotic session the client will hear the hypnotherapist's voice and will be aware of their surroundings at all times.  


What is the youngest age for a child to be hypnotized?

  • In general, children under the age of 5 cannot be hypnotized.  They usually lack the necessary attention span and ability to concentrate.


Can a person get 'stuck' in hypnosis?

  • Hypnosis is a natural state.  A person cannot get 'stuck' in hypnosis.  If for whatever reason the hypnotherapist left a client while that client was in a hypnotic state either that person would simply fall asleep or would emerge from hypnosis once their subconscious mind realized that it is no longer hearing anything.  


Is there any difference between hypnosis with an adult or a child?

  • In general, no.  However, the mind of  young children has a tendency to wander.  Unlike adults, children may also have difficulty concentrating for longer periods of time.  To address this, multiple short hypnosis sessions are sometimes conducted with children instead of a single, longer session that is used for adults.


What preparation is necessary to get ready for a session?

  • In general, no preparation is necessary.  We do recommend that you arrive for your session 15 minutes early to relax and unwind.  You may do this in our reception area or in your car.


How long will the session take?

  • A typical session lasts up to 50 minutes.  Some sessions are shorter.  An option to proceed with the first session after the complimentary consultation has been completed is usually offered.  Please plan for 2 hours for your first visit.


Can I bring someone to my session or can I sit in on my child's session?

  • No.  Trust is a major component of therapeutic process.  We find that we get best results with one-on-one interaction.  The client must be able to feel the ability to be open and express whatever feelings or thoughts that come up during the session.


How long will the improvements from hypnotherapy last?

  • Changes that are a result of hypnotherapy are permanent until they are 'unlearned'.  Unlearning can happen as a result of negative external experiences or internal dialog.  Reinforcement is usually necessary.  Reinforcement can take many forms such as re-listening to a session recording or occasionally coming back for a 'tune-up' session.


How many sessions does it usually take?

  • This cannot be determined until what the presenting condition is and what factors are present in the client's life.  This is the reason that we offer complimentary consultations.  These complimentary consultations allow us to get a better idea of what needs to be addressed and an associated time frame.   Dedication on behalf of the client is also absolutely necessary.  If a client does not come to their regularly scheduled appointments or does not make time to listen to their session recordings, progress will slow and can become impeded. 


Will I be aware of what is going on around me during the session?

  • Yes.  In almost every case the client will know where they are.  They will hear the hypnotherapist's voice and be aware of what is going on around them.


What happens if the subject does not want to achieve the goal that is being worked on?

  • A person cannot be hypnotized into doing something they do not want to do.  Without intellectual buy-in a client is wasting both time and money.  For children it is possible to gain the acceptance of a reluctant subject by working on something that interests them in conjunction with the parent's primary goal.  

Frequently Asked Questions

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